Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stuff and Junk

"Stuff and junk" is how Joel and I describe a menagerie of things that may be going on at anyone time, I figured it would be fitting for this post too. I've been trying to figure out what to post next. Should I go into certain parts of my struggle more deeply? Should I blog about how I'm feeling daily? I just am not sure which way to take it and this is where YOU come in! I thought that I would open it up and ask if there is anything that you would like to know more about? Don't be afraid to ask, I've put this blog here to open up and share. You can email me personally or leave an anonymous question if you like. If I don't get any questions then I'll figure something out.

I also want to give anyone the opportunity, if they wish, to write a post about their own struggles. Type it up, email it to me and I will post it here. I am positive that others have been through things that we could all learn from and/or be inspired by. Or what about things like the Diva Cup? Do you have something like that you could share with us?

This may not be that interesting to some but hey it's a post about stuff and junk so here we go. I started my period today. I've been dealing with the hormone ups and downs, the cramping, the overall blah feeling that comes with the anemia but then I realized something. If all goes according to plan, this will be my last period! My last doubling over with cramping, no energy, emotional roller coaster, stuck in the house, period. I'm not looking forward to the surgery or recovery but the prospect of not having to deal with this again is uplifting. I told Joel I felt like I should be throwing a party or celebrating somehow. He, in his logical way, says, "why don't we just get through the surgery and recovery first, then we'll talk parties." Fine!

I am starting to get a little bit nervous about the recovery from the surgery. I have my pre-op appointment on March 5th. If I remember correctly, although it's not been officially determined yet, that it will be a cesarean or abdominal cut because they will be taking my ovaries. The surgery doesn't bother me nor does the idea of the abdominal cut what does worry me is Oliver. That boy loves to be near me...on my lap, on my back, next to me, climbing on me, wrestling with me, etc. The idea of those tiny but hard and pointy elbows and knees bumping into my stomach makes me shiver. I am worried that he just won't understand and the idea of telling him that he can't sit on my lap and snuggle for a while kills me. Yeah he can snuggle beside me but his favorite is to sit on my lap sideways and tuck his cute little head in under my chin. I'm sure we will figure something out.

So there you have it, a little bit of stuff and junk...


M1 said...

Sis, They have small pillows they use just for surgeries like this.
You hold them with a little pressure applied and they keep things from moving too much. Maybe we can custom make something that can be hands free and add an element of "somewhat safe" from unintentional elbows and other busy extremities. Let me know.
Ask the doctor about those.
Love you!

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing another post - I have been checking each day for more. Ummm I was interested in hearing more about the emotional roller coaster / anger portion. And if there has been any experience or research re: antidepressants in your case. Doing some comparison study I guess you could say.

As for recovery - I know someone who went thru this this past year the surgery etc., and suprisingly her recovery was an emotional one for her - even tho she is 20+ yrs older than us. She wasnt ready to visit w/ people at all for a couple wks it seemed, etc., Now of course she is the best she has been in a long long time. Best health physical & mental, etc., I am excited for you Tiff. I wish Oliver knew me so I could help too. I can so relate to your concerns tho. When I went into labor early w/ Nolan - I was most terrified of how Elijah was going to handle me being gone in the hospital etc,. He was my baby & so used to being all over me etc., He did adjust tho - it was amazing. Maybe we could find a little DR outfit for Oliver to be Mommy's DR at home to help take care of her, etc.,? I dont know or could your mom or Shana stay w/ you to assist in the beginning. I can do organic meals or anything else you can think of as well. I am here in anyway you can think of.

I say bring on the party too - geesh no more period? I know Id want to party. :-)

Elite Stitches said...

Tiff, I'm sure this blog has been helpful for many ladies out there- if nothing else, to make them question what's going on with their own bodies and approach their doctors. That being said, I hope someone can benefit from my story- won't be as eloquent or fact-based as yours (after all, it's been almost 30 years), but I will email it to you and if you want, you can post it. Give me a couple days, and I'll get it to you. Maybe it will help someone, too.