Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What Just Happened?

Unfortunately, for those of you that decided to read this blog of mine, we're not quite done with my cervix. But first, a confession, after my annual pap in April of 2006, I didn't go back to see my doctor until 2008. DO NOT DO THIS. I made sure that everyone else was taken care of, saw their doctors, dentists, etc. and just didn't do this for myself. Not that I was jumping up and down to go have my insides painfully manipulated but I still should have done it and so should you. My cervix never did go back to what was my normal after having Oliver, again this is supposedly normal after childbirth so although it concerned me I tried to not let it bother me. I was more self conscious about it though and found myself holding back or distracted by it during sex. I also noticed that exercise wasn't as comfortable and I was thinking way more about that area of my body than I should have been. (Now is the time to remember my disclaimer) I also noticed that I could feel the hard, feels like the end of your nose, tip of my cervix, with my finger inserted no farther than my first knuckle. Wow! It's never been that low before. I also noticed that my cycles were getting heavier and heavier over time (more on that in another post) and was having a hard time dealing with that. At one point I decided to try a Diva Cup.

Side note: Seriously, the Diva Cup is an awesome concept that worked somewhat for me and if you are one of the lucky ones with a normal cervix then please look into these. Here is the Diva cup website,, and here is a great website that talks about the differences between some of the feminine cups out there, I know someone else that uses one of these and am pretty sure she would talk to you more about it if you want.

Anyway, The DivaCup is a non-absorbent menstrual cup that simply collects menstrual flow. It is inserted in the vagina and sits at the lower base of the vaginal canal. It is worn internally, yet because it is soft and smooth, it cannot be felt nor will it leak when inserted properly. Because my cervix sits so low, it would actually cup around quite a bit of it. When inserted correctly it creates a bit of a suction and when taking it out you break the suction by gently squeezing the cup. I did this but was having a hard time getting the suction to cervix was in the way. When I gently pulled down a bit to break the suction, not only did the Diva Cup come out but so did my cervix! "HOLY SHIT, what just happened?!?!", was my first thought...sorry but it's true. I gently pushed my cervix back into place, came out and immediately told Joel that I was going to see my doctor on Monday morning and I did. I spent the rest of the weekend stressing out. I was also wondering why this was happening, I am one of those people that did and still does her kegels religiously. Aren't they supposed to help keep all this stuff from happening?

Kegel side note: I have found that triggers work really well for me when remembering to do kegel exercises. Each time I get stopped at a red light or a stop sign I do a set. Each time phone rings, I do a set. When I am changing the laundry from the washer to the drier, I do a set. I find myself doing them now without even thinking about it. Kind of like Pavlov's dog. =)

Anyway, I saw my doctor as soon as possible and I told her what happened and she checked me out. Everything looked okay but we talked a lot that day. Luckily, like I said, I have a great doctor and she spent more time with me that day than I am sure they had scheduled/planned for. I went loaded with questions and she answered each and every one. The one that concerned me the most that day was about prolapse...which I will talk about tomorrow.


The Pyryt Nest said...

I'm so glad the diva cup did something helpful, if not the intended purpose. I was really feeling guilty for making you try it when you couldn't use it anymore.

Elite Stitches said...

Oh My Gosh!! Nothing quite like having your female parts falling out into your hands...that can't be right, no matter what the doctor said...

Suz... said...

My mouth is still gaping open from the "I gently pushed my cervix back into place" line...what the...that's crazy, sci-fi stuff there!!! My heart goes out to you w/ all this nonsense, Tiff.

M1 said...

Here is the biggest problem. When they examine you, you are on your back, with no downward pressure. All your "stuff" falls back away from the vaginal opening, comfortaby settling back in and amoungst all your other organs. If they examined you while you were standing up, they could see it hanging out!
OK gross, but true!!!!!!!!! On your back is NOT how most of us spend our time...(unless we want extra money-yeah good luck)

M1 said...

Sis, having gone through this myself, I have to share this story.
For a few years I went to this Doctor.
Every darn year she would dig and dig and dig and finally say "I am having trouble locating your cervix.
I would finally remind her-"It was removed with my uterus" OOOHHHHH-she would say and THEN look at the chart! I REALLLY wanted to say "Oh, this time I just stuck it in my purse-want me to get it for you???????" ;) Love, you Sis

Janet said...

HOLY CRAP!!!! Just reading this made my blood pressure go up!!!
Never heard of the DivaCup. Love the idea of the kegal triggers! See not only are you getting this off of your chest, you are teaching us as well. Thank YOU!